This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Studio function reference: diferència entre les revisions

De Board Game Arena
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== Client side (Javascript functions) ==
== Client side (Javascript functions) ==

; this.slideToObjectPos( $('token_'+token.token_id), $('cp_background'), x_pix, y_pix, 10 ).play();
; this.player_id
: Id of the player on which browser the code is running.

; this.isSpectator
; this.isSpectator
: Flag set to true if the user at the table is a spectator (not a player).
; this.gamedatas
: Contains your initial set of datas to init the game, created at game start or game refresh (F5)
: You can update it as needed to keep an up to date reference of the game on the client side.
; slideToObject: function( mobile_obj, target_obj, duration, delay )
: Return an dojo.fx animation that is sliding a DOM object from its current position over another one
: Animate a slide of the DOM object referred to by domNodeToSlide from its current position to the xpos, ypos relative to the object referred to by domNodeToSlideTo.

; this.player_id
; slideToObjectPos: function( mobile_obj, target_obj, target_x, target_y, duration, delay )
: Return an dojo.fx animation that is sliding a DOM object from its current position over another one at the given coordinates relative to the target object.
; updateCounters(counters)
: Useful for updating game counters in the player panel (such as resources).
; 'counters' arg is an associative array [counter_name_value => [ 'counter_name' => counter_name_value, 'counter_value' => counter_value_value], ... ]
: All counters must be referenced in this.gamedatas.counters and will be updated.
: DOM objects referenced by 'counter_name' will have their innerHTML updated with 'counter_value'.
; addTooltip( node, _( helpString ), _( actionString ), delay );
: Add a simple text tooltip to the DOM node. Only one of 'helpString' or 'actionString' must be used. _() must be used for the text to be marked for translation.
; addTooltipHtml( node, html, delay );
: Add an HTML tooltip to the DOM node (for more elaborate content such as presenting a bigger version of a card).

; this.updateCounters(gamedatas.counters)
; addTooltipToClass( cssClass, _( helpString ), _( actionString ), delay );
: Add a simple text tooltip to all the DOM nodes set with this cssClass. Only one of 'helpString' or 'actionString' must be used. _() must be used for the text to be marked for translation.
: NB: all concerned nodes must have IDs to get tooltips

; this.addTooltipToClass( 'cp_token_icon_color1', _('Green'), '' );
; addTooltipHtmlToClass( cssClass, html, delay );
: Add an HTML tooltip to to all the DOM nodes set with this cssClass (for more elaborate content such as presenting a bigger version of a card).
: NB: all concerned nodes must have IDs to get tooltips

; this.addEventToClass( "cp_token", "onclick", "onClickToken");
; this.addEventToClass( "cp_token", "onclick", "onClickToken");

Revisió del 00:47, 30 nov 2012

This page references useful server side and client side functions, so that nobody needs to reinvent the wheel (unless he wants to).

Server side (PHP functions)

APP_GameAction class (<gamename>.action.php)

function isArg( $argName )
Is this argument filled ?
function getArg( $argName, $argType, $mandatory=false, $default=NULL, $argTypeDetails=array(), $bCanFail=false )
Get script argument with the correct type
bCanFail means than a validation failure is possible (user input)
The main argType values are as follows.
define( 'AT_int', 0 );        //  an integer
define( 'AT_posint', 1 );     //  a positive integer 
define( 'AT_float', 2 );      //  a float
define( 'AT_email', 3 );      //  an email  
define( 'AT_url', 4 );        //  a URL
define( 'AT_bool', 5 );       //  1/0/true/false
define( 'AT_enum', 6 );       //  argTypeDetails list the possible values
define( 'AT_alphanum', 7 );   //  only 0-9a-zA-Z_ and space

Table class (<gamename>.game.php)

function _( $text )
Transparent function, used to mark strings to be translated on the server side (ex: error message)
function clienttranslate( $string )
Transparent function: used to mark string to be translated on client side (ex: notification message)
function getPlayersNumber()
Returns the number of players playing at the table
function checkAction( $actionName, $bThrowException=true )
Check if action is valid regarding current game state (exception if fails)
if "bThrowException" is set to "false", the function return false in case of failure instead of throwing and exception
function getActivePlayerId()
Get the "active_player", whatever what is the current state type
Note: it does NOT mean that this player is active right now, because state type could be "game" or "multiplayer"
function getActivePlayerName()
Get the "active_player" name
function getCurrentPlayerId()
Get the "current_player". The current player is the one from which the action originated. It is not always the active player.
function getCurrentPlayerName()
Get the "current_player" name
function getCurrentPlayerColor()
Get the "current_player" color
function isCurrentPlayerZombie()
Check the "current_player" zombie status
function activeNextPlayer()
Make the next player active
function activePrevPlayer()
Make the previous player active
function giveExtraTime( $player_id, $specific_time=null )
Give standard extra time to this player (standard extra time is a game option)
function initStat( $table_or_player, $name, $value, $player_id=null )
Create a statistic entry for the specified statistics with a default value
In case of a "player" entry, if player_id is not specified, all players are set to the same value
function setStat( $value, $name, $player_id = null )
Set statistic value
function incStat( $delta, $name, $player_id = null )
Increment (or decrement) specified value
function DbQuery( $sql )
Executes sql query on the database
function getCollectionFromDB( $sql, $bSingleValue=false )
Returns an associative array of rows for the sql query. First column must be a primary or alternate key. The resulting collection can be empty.
protected function getNonEmptyCollectionFromDB( $sql )
Idem, but raise an exception if the collection is empty
function getUniqueValueFromDB( $sql )
Returns a unique value from DB or null if no value is found
Raise an exception if more than 1 row is returned
function getObjectFromDB( $sql )
Returns one row for the sql query as an associative array or null if there is no result
Raise an exception if the query return more than one row
function getNonEmptyObjectFromDB( $sql )
Idem, but raise an exception if the query doesn't return exactly one row

Exceptions you can throw

throw new BgaUserException ( $error_message)
Base class to notify a user error
throw new BgaSystemException ( $error_message)
Base class to notify a system exception. The message will be hidden from the user, but show in the logs. Use this if the message contains technical information.
throw new BgaSystemVisibleException ( $error_message)
Same as previous, except that the message is visible by the user. You can use this if the message is understandable by the user.

Client side (Javascript functions)

Id of the player on which browser the code is running.
Flag set to true if the user at the table is a spectator (not a player).
Contains your initial set of datas to init the game, created at game start or game refresh (F5)
You can update it as needed to keep an up to date reference of the game on the client side.
function( mobile_obj, target_obj, duration, delay )
Return an dojo.fx animation that is sliding a DOM object from its current position over another one
Animate a slide of the DOM object referred to by domNodeToSlide from its current position to the xpos, ypos relative to the object referred to by domNodeToSlideTo.
function( mobile_obj, target_obj, target_x, target_y, duration, delay )
Return an dojo.fx animation that is sliding a DOM object from its current position over another one at the given coordinates relative to the target object.
Useful for updating game counters in the player panel (such as resources).
'counters' arg is an associative array [counter_name_value => [ 'counter_name' => counter_name_value, 'counter_value' => counter_value_value], ... ]
All counters must be referenced in this.gamedatas.counters and will be updated.
DOM objects referenced by 'counter_name' will have their innerHTML updated with 'counter_value'.
addTooltip( node, _( helpString ), _( actionString ), delay );
Add a simple text tooltip to the DOM node. Only one of 'helpString' or 'actionString' must be used. _() must be used for the text to be marked for translation.
addTooltipHtml( node, html, delay );
Add an HTML tooltip to the DOM node (for more elaborate content such as presenting a bigger version of a card).
addTooltipToClass( cssClass, _( helpString ), _( actionString ), delay );
Add a simple text tooltip to all the DOM nodes set with this cssClass. Only one of 'helpString' or 'actionString' must be used. _() must be used for the text to be marked for translation.
NB: all concerned nodes must have IDs to get tooltips
addTooltipHtmlToClass( cssClass, html, delay );
Add an HTML tooltip to to all the DOM nodes set with this cssClass (for more elaborate content such as presenting a bigger version of a card).
NB: all concerned nodes must have IDs to get tooltips
this.addEventToClass( "cp_token", "onclick", "onClickToken");
this.checkAction( 'selectTokens' )
this.showMessage( _('You must select at least two tokens'), 'error' );
this.scoreCtrl[ notif.args.player_id ].incValue( notif.args.score_delta );
this.ajaxcall( "/colorpop/colorpop/endgame.html", { }, this, function( result ) {} );